Sunday, March 9, 2014

Just a little emo quote

Wow! It has been a very looooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg  time since I'd been here.  I can see cobwebs and spiders in my dashboard..hoho.  Finally, I had time to update my blog a little.  This is just some random quote I had composed after looking through my old photo albums. I'm not having any PMS okay? haha...just feeling emo, that's all.

"One of the disadvantages of having a photograph is the recollection of painful memories. People and Pets who came and gone out of your life. Wishing you'd spent more quality time with those who died.  Wishing things hadn't gotten wrong with those who became your foe. It makes you realize that the world is not sunshine and rainbows."


Next time, I'll update a little longer than this. Thanks for reading this. (If there's someone who just wasted their time reading my blog..hoho)


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