Sunday, December 14, 2008

TWILIGHT movie review

This movie received lots of positive reviews (mostly from the fans of Twilight novel) and negative reviews (from the non-readers of the book).
I categorized myself in the non-readers part but for me, I'll probably give this movie a 4 out of 5 stars.
For those who haven't read the novel, I perfectly understand their point of view. For them, it's a slow moving, bland film. They expected it to have lots of action packed thrilling, blood sucking scenes, considering it has vampires in it. But hey, this is not "Underworld" nor "Blade" kind of vampire movie. I could say this is a pretty “stock” teen romance movie. Since I haven't seen a romance movie for a long time & since the story is not the typical human-to-human relationship, I really liked and enjoyed watching it.
After a little researching about the novel, I'm eager to buy the whole Twilight saga novel now. If ever Twilight saga's second novel, New Moon & third novel, Eclipse will be out in the movies..I think, these would have more action scenes than Twilight because the Cullens together with werewolves packs will fight Victoria (the lover of James. Remember the 3 vampires from another coven in Twilight movie?) and her army of new-born vampires.

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