Saturday, April 11, 2009

White Tiger Wushu Official New site

Finally, a place of our own.

White Tiger Wushu Zhan, now have its own ".com", our new official site. Click here to visit the site:

What do we have there? Well, the site is all about White Tiger Wushu Zhan, of course. It contains informations regarding our profile, history, services, customers & how to contact us. Our collection of media gallery: pics & videos are also available there. To gain more communication from our visitors, they can chat with us through shoutmix, Yahoo messenger & forum. Our forum welcomes all White Tiger Wushu Zhan members, friends, customers, wushu enthusiasts, fellow marital artists, Chinese Lion & Dragon dance fans & all other types of people who might be interested in sharing their positive opinions & ideas.

As of now, we still try to update the site once in a while. Our officers & members page are still under construction. Please bear with us.

For those who already visited the site, we would like to express our gratitude & hoping for your future visits. Thanks a lot for the support.

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